Varicose Veins

Varicose Veins
Varicose Veins are dilated tortuous incompetent superficial veins, usually in the lower limbs.  They are common, especially in women after childbirth.  For many people they cause no symptoms.  However, varicose veins can cause the following symptoms: ache, heaviness, heat, itch.  They can also cause phlebitis- inflammation in a clotted vein which is very painful.  Sometimes if the veins are very fragile they may bleed spontaneously.  In a minority of patients, extensive varicose veins can lead to leg ulcers, particularly around the inner ankle.
There are several options to treat varicose veins and these can be discussed during consultation.
Varicose veins
Radiofrequency Ablation
This is a minimally invasive technique employed to close the main incompetent superficial vein in the leg using radiofrequency energy.  It is a day procedure and can be performed under local or general anaesthesia.  Patients are able to return to normal activity/ work in 24-48 hours.

This involves injection of the superficial veins with a sclerosant, to cause the veins to occlude and close down.  This is performed in the consulting suites and is suitable for small varicose veins.

Open Surgery
Ligation and stripping of the main incompetent vein is still an effective form of treatment.  It requires a general anaesthetic and usually 1-2 weeks off work for recovery.
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Give us a call on (03) 5271 7631 and we can answer any questions or concerns that you do have.
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